Business Intelligence Tips For Social Media

Mark J

Updated · Sep 07, 2010

New methods for working with business information can help business analysts by enabling more time to be spent on extracting greater intelligence from the data and less time collecting or accessing it. This 1 to 1 Media report offers five
valuable lessons learned from harvesting social media for business intelligence.

“Data trumps gut feel. Recently, the Dancing with the Stars reality TV show monitored social media conversations to predict the results. For several weeks TV star Kate Gosselin racked up the most negative sentiment of all the contestants (90 percent at one point). Popular opinion was that if she wasn't voted off, the show was surely ‘fixed.' However, the data painted a different picture. Forty percent of all DWTS conversations mentioned Kate, and while 95 percent was negative, Kate's 5 percent positive was still greater than several of the other contestants. Most people predicted her immediate demise -– the gut prediction. But that wasn't the case. Her positive numbers kept her on the show for three more episodes even though she was clearly the worst dancer.”

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