US Bank Uses Self-Service Customer Tool for BI

Mark J

Updated · Nov 08, 2010

Midwest US Bank is ramping up a BI-powered ScoreBoard application that's already being used by more than 110,000 small business customers. According to this report on Information Week, many banks and credit cards are providing similar tools, but US Bank has differentiated the ScoreBoard, which was first launched this summer.

“US Bank's ScoreBoard system is built on software from Information Builders. The vendor had an inside track because it provided the software for a years-old corporate card system at US Bank that serves millions of customers. Nonetheless, US Bank considered seven other vendors and asked Information Builders and two others to develop prototypes.

“Information Builders was chosen because it presented the ‘best look' and a ‘reasonable' cost, according to Kaufman, though he declined to detail competitor names or pricing.

“US Bank knew it wanted something very graphical, easy to use and easy to understand based on feedback gained through on-site visits with 24 small-business customers.”

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