Top CRM Applications for Small Business Use
Even a small business has a need for customer relationship management apps. This list of CRM software an tools on Small Biz Trends offers details on nine CRM apps that are a good solution for small business use.
“Infusionsoft is one of the market leaders when it comes to CRM, e-mail marketing and marketing Automation. One of their strengths and what makes them different is that, instead of a one-time automatic response, they encourage you to create a robust “follow-up sequence” based on customer behavior—this is the automation engine at work. For example, if a customer responds to a specific campaign, then phones in a question, you can trigger your Infusionsoft system to automatically respond appropriately — which goes beyond e-mail and includes faxing, voicemails, even letters. If you're a small business owner struggling who needs more than a simple e-mail campaign, take a closer look at the Infusionsoft approach.”
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