The Truth About Sales Leads

The business purpose of a customer relationship management (CRM) system is to capture new customers faster, grow them…

SAP Clarifies its Cloud Strategy

At the User Group Conference in Manchester, SAP revealed its hybrid cloud and on-premises, mobile strategy. As noted…

10 Tips for Better CRM

Having a more sophisticated approach to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is fundamental to a businesses’ sustainability. In this…

Nutshell CRM Announced

Nutshell CRM recently launched to a crowd of 500 plus gathered in New York City for the Future…

The CRM WatchList 2011

Paul Greenberg has offered up the initial CRM 2011 Watchlist Preseason list in this ZDNet blog. The goal…

Navsoft Launches Engage CRM

Navigators Software Pvt. Ltd. has launched Engage CRM, its flagship web-based CRM product. As reported in this news…

CRM and Enterprise 2.0

Paul Greenberg, author of CRM at the Speed of Light and the president of the 56 Group, says…

How to Avoid CRM Failure

CRM failure is often attributed to complicated integrations or inflexible technology. According to this report on CRM Buyer,…

The 10 Most Important CRM Reports

Businesses use customer relationship management (CRM) systems to get a better understanding of who their customers are, what…