Sonoma Partners Introduces Mobile Dynamics CRM App for iPad
Microsoft Dynamics CRM consultancy Sonoma Partners is introducing a Mobile Sales Kit application for the Apple iPad. According to Sonoma Partners, the software aims to replace the reams of collateral sales people carry on client visits. Companies can lower printing costs and enhance their sales presentations by allowing sales teams to download the most up-to-date materials to the iPad.
The Mobile Sales Kit boasts a number of enterprise-class features, including synchronization with Microsoft SharePoint, access to documents while offline and the ability to email documents from within the application. Also included is access to Sonoma Partners’ pre-built intellectual property which, among other things, incorporates Google Analytics so marketers can assess which areas of the application are being used the most and make adjustments if necessary.
The application’s interface can be customized, from the graphics and color scheme to animations, screen transitions and even multi-touch gestures.
“A one-size-fits-all approach falls short when it comes to developing enterprise-level apps, which demand functionality and flexibility,” said Mike Snyder, principal of Sonoma Partners. “The Mobile Sales Kit is built with custom user interfaces and custom functionality because we recognize that the uses may be slightly different depending on the industry and the business.”
Sonoma Partners, which has twice been named Global Microsoft CRM Partner of the Year, also works with companies to deploy the Mobile Sales Kit and train employees on its use.

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