How General Catalyst’s Steve Herrod Sees DevOps
Steve Herrod, managing director at venture capital firm General Catalyst, is no stranger to the world of applications, having worked for years as the CTO of VMware. Now as an investor, Herrod is looking for the next big thing for enterprise technology.
A large part of Herrod's focus is security related, but not all.
“I've been obsessed with the DevOps movement and how to really make it apply into an enterprise context,” Herrod said.
Fundamentally, DevOps is about accelerating both the development and the deployment process for applications and to really enable it requires both process and technology. Among the popular tools used for DevOps approaches today are Chef, Puppet and Ansible, which all help to enable repeatable configuration and deployment. Herrod noted that there is a vast array of other tools that are also needed to enable DevOps.
“In order to go from wanting to developing and deploying software faster, lots of things have to change,” Herrod said. “I look at literally everything from performance management, to monitoring, to availability.”
Watch the full video interview with Steve Herrod below:
Sean Michael Kerner is a senior editor at EntepriseAppsToday and Follow him on Twitter @TechJournalist

Sean Michael is a writer who focuses on innovation and how science and technology intersect with industry, technology Wordpress, VMware Salesforce, And Application tech. TechCrunch Europas shortlisted her for the best tech journalist award. She enjoys finding stories that open people's eyes. She graduated from the University of California.