Alteryx Analytics Gallery Gathers Steam
Alteryx, a business analytics software maker, is bullish on its Big Data for the masses approach to analytics. And more companies are coming around to its way of thinking, the company announced.
Last fall, Alteryx debuted Strategic Analytics 8.0, which included a cloud component called Analytics Gallery that “consumerizes Big Data analytics in the cloud,” the company boasted. Today, Alteryx revealed that other analytics firms have come on board, validating the company's vision.
Partners include Connotate, Environics Analytics, Farsite, Intalytics, and Mapping Analytics, according to Alteryx.
Alteryx's Paul Evans, senior vice president of Channel Sales and Strategic Alliances, noted that his company's user-friendly spin on deriving business insights from Big Data is already starting to pay off for customers. “These applications have already been leveraged hundreds of times highlighting the need to share this deep industry best practice with business decision makers,” he stated in a company release.
Jonathan V. Wilson of Ann Arbor-based Intalytics boasts that Analytics Gallery demystifies Big Data analytics, helping companies arrive at strategic real estate investments. “By providing an environment that consumerizes sophisticated analytics, the Analytics Gallery gets this insight into the hands of the right audience – the business decision maker,” he said.
The latest batch of Alteryx Analytics Gallery apps, which are available as free downloads, include:
- Connotate Pricing Analysis uses web data sources for product line insights from Connotate
- Behavioral Quadrant Chart and an Executive Trade Area Report app from Environics Analytics
- Foursquare Analytics Dashboard predictive app from Farsite
- Analog Forecasting and a Target Marketing app from Intalytics
- Branch Trade Area Development app from Mapping Analytics
For Alteryx, expanded partner support is a sign that its bet on cloud computing and Big Data is paying off. Last year, the company set the stage with its Strategic Analytics 7.0 release, which ushered in enterprise cloud connectors, an Apache Hive connector that opened the door to Apache Hadoop data and R programming language support for predictive analytics.
Alteryx Analytics Gallery apps are available now.
Pedro Hernandez is a contributing editor at, the news service of the IT Business Edge Network, the network for technology professionals. Follow him on Twitter @ecoINSITE.

Pedro Hernandez contributes to Enterprise Apps Today, and 11Press, the technology network. He was previously the managing editor of, an IT-related website network. He has expertise in Smart Tech, CRM, and Mobile Tech, Helping Banks and Fintechs, Telcos and Automotive OEMs, and Healthcare and Identity Service Providers to Protect Mobile Apps.