Blackboard Offers Data Analytic Solution for Education

Mark J

Updated · Feb 11, 2011

Blackboard Inc. (Nasdaq: BBBB) has announced Blackboard Analytics, a business intelligence solution for higher education. As noted in this company news release statement, Blackboard Analytics is a suite of applications that gives deeper insight into an institution's performance.

“The solution's analytical dashboard applications help to view progress against goals in real time. The platform maps to the most common data sources on campus, integrating with the leading student information, human resources and financial systems.

“In contrast to typical data warehousing projects which can be expensive, time consuming and risky, Blackboard Analytics can be implemented in a matter of weeks to help institutions quickly and cost-effectively turn complex data into actionable information. As a result, universities can better understand and improve performance in areas including student enrollment and retention, student bursaries, institutional financial performance, fundraising and human resources.”

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