Chordiant Launches Selling Director Staff

Updated · Jul 17, 2001

by Staff

Chordiant Software Inc. has released the Chordiant Selling Director — a product that allows enterprises to quickly create and deploy engaging Web interactions that are targeted to their customers.

The application produces dynamic dialogs that guide end users through the select, configure and apply processes, resulting in engaging Web interactions. Additionally, the XML-based graphical user interface allows for quicker and easier deployment and reduced maintenance costs, therefore maximizing return on investment.

“The addition of Selling Director is a solid step toward realizing our vision of a complete, unified e-marketing, e-selling and e-servicing platform,” said Chordiant chairman and CEO Sam Spadafora. “It is expected to generate revenue by enabling enterprises to effectively sell complex products and services on the Web. Selling Director interacts with the Chordiant platform to deliver intelligent select/configure/quote interactions for individual consumers.”

Selling Director comes as a result of Chordiants purchase of Java server technology provider ActionPoint, Inc. The transaction was made in May 2001 for approximately $7.2 million in cash and stock and it enabled Chordiant to produce the thin-client Web-based application using XML-based Java server technology.

The applications framework provides personalized content so users are only asked relevant questions based on previous answers, and it offers custom presentation formats for specific customer or partner needs. Other features of Selling Director include intelligent recommendations and guidance via wizards or pop-up messages; and automatic population of fields with information pulled from enterprise systems.

Headquartered in Cupertino, Calif., and London with regional sales and service offices, Chordiant produces and delivers a Unified CRM Solution that is based on an Intelligent Customer Interaction Management Platform.

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