Crowe Horwath Announces ERP for Metals Industry

Mark J

Updated · Jun 29, 2010

Crowe Horwath LLP has announced the Crowe Metals Industry Accelerator for Microsoft Dynamics AX solution. According to the company's news release, this industry accelerator is specifically designed to meet the needs of the metals industry, including producers, processors, fabricators and service centers, so it requires less customization and can be implemented quickly.

“‘In the past, metals manufacturers wanting to implement a strategic ERP platform were generally forced to settle on a solution that didn't address the specific process requirements of their industry or that was expensive to customize,' said Josh Cole, a principal in Crowe's Performance group. ‘Now they can use the Crowe Metals Industry Accelerator, a flexible, scalable solution that delivers full support for metals manufacturers' unique needs without time-consuming configuration. It also supports their advanced management and reporting systems.'”

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