Expert CRM Predictions for 2011
From customer insights to mobile CRM this MyCustomer report suggests experts
forecast many change sin the CRM market this year. As noted in the report one of the customer insight applications that deserves particular emphasis is social media analytics.
“‘At the moment people are doing social media monitoring at a fairly simplistic level – are people saying stuff about the company or product, and what are they saying?' he explains. ‘But there is a next level now which is to come which is looking at what are the insights that can be gleaned from that – partly through the use of complex algorithms, natural language analysis and unstructured text analytics, but also, as we don't want to view that in a silo, in combination with traditional business intelligence to give us more of a complete picture. So rather than just social media monitoring, this social analytics is the actual insight you can get from social media – the fact finding, the level two unstructured text analysis that you should be doing and the combination of that with traditional business intelligence. And that will be a hot topic in 2011.'”
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