GE Capital Fleet Launches Mobile Resource Intelligence Solution

Mark J

Updated · Oct 05, 2010

GE Capital Fleet Services has launched Intelligent Ops, a solution that the company calls an integrated business intelligence solution for operations and sales leaders who manage mobile personnel.
According to the this news release on Market Watch, the new solution, part of GE's innovative Mobile Resource Intelligence(SM) telematics program, is designed to help customers drive significant profitability improvements through more efficient mobile operations.

“Intelligent Ops helps business leaders transform enterprise and driver performance by evaluating mobile activities and costs against goals. With a simple click of the mouse, operations and sales leaders can now access mobile resource performance ranking by division, customer cost analysis and exception-based alerts for driver best practices and coaching opportunities. Feature-rich heat maps also deliver market coverage, activity and opportunity insight at-a-glance.

“The Mobile Resource Intelligence program offers a suite of telematics-based business intelligence solutions. Unlike regular telematics programs, Mobile Resource Intelligence solutions are designed to provide business leaders with critical decision tools for their enterprise productivity, efficiency, compliance, safety and green objectives.”

Read the Full
News Release at Market Watch

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