Going Beyond Social CRM

Mark J

Updated · Aug 31, 2010

Taking Social CRM one step further, open innovation consultant, Stefan Lindegaard suggests that open innovation is about integrating external partners in the entire innovation process. This Business Strategy Innovation article details the “Open Innovation Revolution” and highlights the CRM benefits.

“The step that most resonated with me is the first one, establish a clear mandate. When this is done, it moves the initiative from an interesting suggestion to an approach supported culturally, with processes, management buy-in and identified key players.

“But it's also the hardest and is less amenable to bottom-up experimentation. I say that as someone who has read the value of bottom-up viral adoption and experimentation in the Enterprise 2.0 world. If an organization is going to engage external parties in the co-creation, co-development process, you'd better make sure you've got legal and senior management signed-on.”

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