GOTO Metrics Announces Enterprise Business Intelligence Platform

Mark J

Updated · Jun 15, 2010

GOTO Metrics announced the first fully integrated Hadoop based Database and Business Intelligence platform for the enterprise.
According to this news release on TechWhack, the GOTO Metrics Data Analytics Platform (DAP) ties together commodity machines to enable real time, large-scale data analytics and aggregation of thousands of terabytes of data from a multitude of sources.

“Large-scale Data analytics are performed through an easy to use intuitive user interface and a simple procedural query language. Thus allowing any user the ability to write virtually any query against the data stored in the GOTO Metrics Platform. The current version can search through other Database platforms (DB2, MYSQL, MSSQL, POSTGreSQL, and Oracle), Ethernet packet traces, comma-delimited files, and web and Internet data as well. Future versions of the Platform will be able to search for specific text within Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, and Excel Documents on user machines residing within a company.”

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