Grow Your CRM on Social Media Connections
Social media is an opportunity for businesses. As noted in this social media report on CRM Buyer, by building the right social media connections, companies can offer customers better service at reduced costs in ways that augment loyalty. This article offers advice to businesses looking to integrate social media in to CRM systems.
“So your service organization is being relieved of some traffic. The other good news is that often, customers know more about the ins and outs of your products than you do — you made it, but they bang on it all day. They're the ones that spot the
idiosyncrasies, have figured out work-arounds, and can recommend accessories or additions to solve specific problems that you may never have anticipated. Thus, these peers are providing different and often better service suggestions than your service team can.
“In both situations, it's important that your service organization pays attention to these conversations. First off, you can track the topics people are seeking assistance with and move to help address them. Secondly, you can look for these off-beat customer solutions and, where appropriate, bring them into your own knowledge base and boost your ability to respond to direct customer service requests.”
Read the Full “The Rise of Social Service” Story at CRM Buyer