IBM Developing Analytics Products for Marketers

Mark J

Updated · Jul 26, 2010

As reported by MediaPost News, IBM has been developing code that it will use to build a suite of analytics products for marketers and advertisers. According to the news report, the suite of applications will consist of modules — off-the-shelf software for IBM clients as part of a service package that chief marketing officers (CMOs) can customize to fit specific needs.

“Big Blue will offer services for the analytics package supporting campaigns, Michael Haydock, IBM global lead for business analytics and optimization, told MediaPost.

“Haydock, an operations research scientist for IBM's customer analytics practice, has been writing a strain of linear programs for asset allocation, allocating resources into customer groups and advertising media using multi-objective optimization, where customers have multiple objectives. He also wrote the original multi-dimensional clustering codes.

“Using statistical methods and measures, IBM continues to build a practice supporting advertisers and marketers. The company has a small group of people called a ‘practice' to support statistical analysis for large databases filled with 50 to 100 million clients.”

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