Inmagic Enhances Social Knowledge Networks
Inmagic claims the latest version of Inmagic Presto is a social knowledge network application that is designed to support strategic enterprise objectives. In the this PR-Inside news release, the company said that its solution spans enterprise silos, merging relevant content, search, and community to address specific business processes, such as competitive intelligence.
“‘Enterprises are struggling with how best to leverage E2.0 technologies for competitive advantage, product innovation, and knowledge retention,' says Ron Matros, President and CEO of Inmagic. ”The need for better information access, sharing, and collaboration is clear, and Inmagic is working closely with enterprise customers through the process of assessing, deploying, and managing their Social Knowledge Network strategies for maximum ROI.'
“When SKNs are implemented to support a specific business objective, the potential benefits of realizing ROI from E2.0 strategies go up exponentially. Inmagic solutions allow organizations across a range of industries (pharmaceutical, energy, health care, financial services, etc.), and individual functional departments within those organizations, to collaborate toward a common business objective.”
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