Oracle Announces Health Care Analytics App

Mark J

Updated · Feb 17, 2011

Oracle (NASDAQ: ORCL) has announced its latest addition to its business intelligence software suite designed for health care organizations. As reported in this news story on eWeek, OPSCA (Oracle Healthcare Provider Supply Chain Analytics) will enable health care organizations to manage their supply chain and reduce costs, the company reports.

“Part of the Oracle Enterprise Healthcare Analytics suite, OPSCA allows health care companies to control procurement as well as sourcing and supplier contracts. With the analytics capabilities of OPSCA, Oracle aims to add transparency to a health care organization's supply chain transactions. The software provides a complete view of expenditures to allow companies to identify areas in which to trim costs.

“The application features prebuilt dashboards and predefined analysis engines to allow health care executives to avoid extra coding or configuration when managing their supply chain.”

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