Report Suggests Consumers Prefer Email Contact Over Social Media
A new report from Rhino Marketing suggests that consumers check email first, social media and search engines second. In the company's blog post it is stated that survey results showed consumers who check their email first are more likely to be task-oriented, interacting with brands to obtain deals, promotions and new product information. Those that check their social media pages first tend to interact with brands for entertainments purposes.
“What continues to amaze me it the herd mentality of many smart marketing colleagues who are chasing every “new media trend” and have gotten away from solid marketing efforts such as email. Of the one's who still do use email, it's poorly done, not targeted or personal.
“A survey conducted by ExactTarget shows that 58 percent of consumers start their online day by reading their emails. Meanwhile, 20 percent begin on search engines and 11 percent check their Facebook pages. The survey also found that 93 percent of customers subscribe to email marketing messages.”
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