Self-Service Business Intelligence On the Agenda For 2011

Mark J

Updated · Jan 04, 2011

Analysts say that enterprises will increasingly look for opportunities to tap self-service business intelligence systems and SaaS-based BI offerings in 2011. Also noted in this Computer World article is that also likely to be high on the enterprise agenda include technologies that enable businesses to do more real-time analysis of large data volumes.

“The move toward self-service BI, for instance, has been picking up steam and will gather further momentum in 2011, Kobielus said. Increasingly, enterprises will adopt new Web-based interactive querying and reporting tools that are designed to put more data analytics capabilities into the hands of end users, he said.

“The tools will give end users the ability to quickly navigate through and visualize business data, and they will allow them to generate views and reports relevant to their job functions.”

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