Smart Text CRM, Introduces New Realtor Texting Software
Smart Text CRM has introduced “Two-Way Texting” software that helps the real estate industry distribute and obtain information. According to the announcement posted on Smart Text CRM's blog, the software provides realtors with warm leads, prospect information, and the ability to communicate with ready-to-buy prospects.
“‘We believe if you give customers information, you should get something in return. We capture customer information for present and future use through our Customer Management Tool.', said Smart Text CRM CEO Cliff Baker. ‘We know that a customer's time is limited and that is why Smart Text CRM's software doesn't allow for third-party vendor interference, just you and your customer one-on-one.' The innovative ‘Two-Way Texting' software from Smart Text CRM is the next major tool to lead the real estate industry into the mobile revolution.”
Read the Full Story at Smart Text CRM Blog