Social CRM Requires More Than a Facebook Like
With more than 500 million people on Facebook and more than 140 million tweets per day, it's clear that a new breed of consumer has emerged. This Ecommerce Times story presents the social dilemma that businesses face today and discuss ways to embrace social CRM concepts.
“CRM must move beyond the straightforward, strategic tactics businesses use to organize, automate and synchronize processes in order to find and win new clients. Today, CRM must include new, innovative ways businesses can interact with their customers and potential prospects. CRM must become social; it must take into account the ways people communicate and interact via cloud, social media and social networking sites.
“With more than 500 million people on Facebook and more than 140 million tweets per day, it's clear that a new breed of consumer has emerged. This new breed — the social consumer — is more connected, more vocal and has greater control. Social consumers use social media to voice their praises about a particular business, but they use social media just as frequently to voice their concerns and anger about customer experiences.”
Read the Full Story at Ecommerce Times