Study Finds Consumers Engage Brands on Facebook, Twitter
A new study that has been released by ExactTarget finds nearly 40 percent of consumers turning to Facebook and Twitter to supplement the news, information or deals they receive via email marketing. Also noted in the study highlights in this Business Wire news release, more than 75 percent of consumers that follow at least one brand on Twitter subscribe to at least one brand's email marketing and nearly half of consumers who engage with brands via Twitter do so silently, regularly reading tweets even though they do not have their own Twitter account.
“Featured in ExactTarget's Social Profile report, the survey of more than 1,500 consumers identified 12 distinct personas for how consumers interact with brands online by studying the levels of social media creation and consumption across all ages and income levels.
“‘Consumers don't silo their engagement with brands to a single channel, instead they tend to ‘layer' marketing channels on top of one another to meet their different objectives,' said Morgan Stewart, principal, ExactTarget's research and education group. “The things that motivate consumers to go online initially dictate where and how they choose to engage with brands – whether that be email, Facebook or Twitter.'”
Read the Full News Release at Business Wire