Sybase Announces Mobile Sales for SAP CRM for BlackBerry
Sybase has recently announced the Sybase Mobile Sales for SAP CRM for BlackBerry smartphones.
According to the company in its news release, the new app extends the SAP (NYSE: SAP) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) application an integrated application experience on BlackBerry smartphones.
“The new mobile solution for BlackBerry smartphones from SAP and Sybase provides comprehensive access to up-to-the-minute SAP customer and business analytics data and the ability to seamlessly conduct workflow processes anytime, anywhere. Advanced features like instantaneous alerts via BlackBerry push technology, and integration with the BlackBerry inbox and calendar provide users with a ‘super app' experience on BlackBerry smartphones. Enterprises can also further exploit their IT infrastructure investment by improving mobile worker productivity and efficiency, shortening sales cycles, and increasing visibility into performance.”
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