Today’s Business Intelligence Scenarios

Mark J

Updated · Sep 02, 2010

A new article on Inform IT by Mike Biere discusses
Business Intelligence (BI) scenarios today, offering a look at the view of the CIO, the IT perspective, the end user perspective, and establishing a vision.
According to the article, when you do not have a plan for BI, this is the most common form of analysis within any enterprise.

“Business intelligence is defined as ‘mission critical' by many senior executives today. The emphasis and interest in BI, as we will often refer to it, has placed it in the forefront of the list of major corporate objectives. This adjective is quite valid because the value of unlocking critical information held in corporate and external data sources can be a significant game changer. At the enterprise level, BI is often just a stated goal with little actual practice other than perhaps setting a standard for a suite of tools. Having an enterprise goal and set of standards does not end with creating an approved vendor list—it is just the beginning. BI at the enterprise level suggests that there is a common vision and set of goals in the deployment and use of BI on a broad scale within the entire organization.”

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