Vision Critical Unveils Customer Experience Management Platform
Technology and research firm Vision Critical has unveiled its Customer Experience Management (CEM) platform, designed to automate the collection and integration of data from customer surveys, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, transactional databases and social media.
The new platform expands the company's solutions designed to deliver quick, accurate consumer data. Vision Critical already offers a number of testing and research products, including solutions to help companies test new product concepts or choose a reliable platform for building an online community.
According to Vision Critical, its Customer Experience Management platform will help companies that struggle with making sense of all the data collected by providing guidance on how to share this data intelligently and securely throughout the organization.
“Our system combines customer data from a variety of sources, including customer survey feedback from multiple surveys in any modality (i.e., online, IVR, phone, mobile, mail), social media sources and CRM and database information such as transaction, segment or customer tier to provide a holistic view of each customer's experiences,” Vision Critical Managing Director Ted Chen told Enterprise Apps Today.
“Stakeholders have dashboards and views that are personalized based on their user level, and results can be evaluated at various organizational levels including overall company scores,” Chen added. For each level in the client's organizational hierarchy, the online reports “show performance on all metrics, including strengths and weaknesses, trending and improvement opportunities.”
Vision Critical says its CEM platform is an intuitive system that allows companies to organize, analyze and share enterprise-wide feedback quickly and efficiently, delivering usable, context-sensitive information to decision makers.
Clients using the Vision Critical platform will be able to coordinate and collate customer information coming from surveys, CRM, existing databases and social media, analyze the data and publish the resultant “total customer experience” overview within the same package.
The CEM platform also includes visual questions that increase response rates and engage customers, which results in better quality feedback, said Vision Critical.
“Vision Critical automated the collection and integration of data from surveys, databases, social media and CRM programs,” said Andrew Reid, president of Vision Critical. “Our CEM platform builds a holistic view of each individual customer's relationship within the organization. The insights garnered can trigger targeted and timely action so businesses can constantly fine-tune their customers' experiences.”

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