Will Google Enter the CRM Market?
Google has emerged as an enterprise apps contender with success largely with SMBs and early cloud adopters. As reported on Memeburn, Google targeted personal productivity and collaboration but we're left to wonder how long it will be before Google drives deeper into the enterprise and customer relationship management (CRM) market.
“In 2010, Google stepped up their apps strategy with the Google Apps Marketplace, an online store offering business applications which integrate directly with Google Apps. The Marketplace lets businesses administer everything from finance and project management to CRM – all from Google's single sign-on infrastructure. By positioning themselves as the provisioning hub in this ecosystem of cloud applications, Google gains considerable leverage to gauge the demand and utilization of applications.
“Although Outlook and Exchange are still the dominant solutions for enterprise email, CRM analyst Brent Leary says more and more companies are requesting Gmail integration from their CRM vendors. Integrating a CRM app to your Gmail is certainly helpful, but what if Gmail was your CRM? Let's weigh the likelihood of Google making this bold move.”
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