
CRM Going Social, Mobile

Social and mobile are two enterprise software trends that often get mentioned in the same breath – and…

Salesforce Makes Mobile Move

In a recent Enterprise Apps Today interview, Dresner Advisory Services founder and president Howard Dresners said cloud computing,…

Ten Reasons to Combine CRM and BPM

Most, if not all, mid-to-large organizations have some form of customer relationship management (CRM) system. Many of these…

What is Odoo Open Source ERP?

Belgium-based Odoo made a name for itself under its previous name of OpenERP, with an open source ERP…

Oracle CRM Buying Guide

It’s not quite the 57 varieties of Heinz or the 31 flavors of Baskin Robbins, but Oracle provides…

Midmarket CRM Buying Guide

Our Enterprise CRM Buyer’s Guide covered Oracle, SAP,, SAP, Microsoft, RightNow, Pegasystems and Sword Ciboodle. While many…

Midmarket ERP Buyer’s Guide

A few months back, Enterprise Apps Today published an Enterprise ERP Buyer’s Guide. That first ERP buyer’s guide…