
BPM Market Accelerates, IBM Leads

The worldwide business process management (BPM) and middleware market has recovered strongly from a 2009 slump, according to…

Top Ten Mobile CRM Apps

Customer relationship management (CRM) is a hot software market, according to Gartner. Global CRM spending hit $23.2 billion…

Marketing Automation Heats Up

While TV transformed the art of marketing, bringing endless products and services into people’s living rooms, the internet…

Who is Leading in Social CRM?

There is so much buzz about social CRM these days. Companies like Intuit, Procter & Gamble and Citigroup…

IBM’s New Way of Selling IT

Recently, the real news for IT, business intelligence and enterprise applications buyers has often been vendors’ new selling…

The Top 10 Trends in ERP

A decade ago, enterprise resource planning (ERP) was the panacea for all enterprise ills (remember Y2K?). There were…

The Truth About Sales Leads

The business purpose of a customer relationship management (CRM) system is to capture new customers faster, grow them…

The 10 Most Important CRM Reports

Businesses use customer relationship management (CRM) systems to get a better understanding of who their customers are, what…