Anime Statistics and Facts By Revenue, Country, Rating, Market Size and Demographic

Page Contents [hide]
- Introduction
- Editor’s Choice
- Meaning and History of Anime
- Most Popular Anime of All Time
- Top 3 OTT Platforms For Anime
- Anime Facts
- Anime Statistics By Rating
- Anime Statistics By Market Size
- Top 10 Anime By Most Viewed
- Anime Statistics By Demographic
- Anime Statistics By Region
- Anime Statistics By Country
- Anime Statistics By Revenue
- Conclusion
Anime Statistics: Anime and cartoons are the two most entertaining mediums for children around the world. But even though both of the content seem similar it differs from each other. Anime is more likely to be based on human-like characters while the cartoon visualized characters. Anime is more popular in Japan while cartoon is famous all over the globe. Slowly, as the entertainment industry is growing, Anime shows, movies, and likewise content has become available on various OTT platforms. As of 2022, the anime industry market was valued at $26.89 billion and still growing.
As the name suggests, Interesting anime facts are loaded with surprising insights from all over the globe along with eye-catchy graphics. Nowadays, anime has not only given birth to a huge spin-off industry, but has also been integrated into the artistic design and expression of modern society. Many art designers, clothing art, accessory designers, and even individual artists on social media start their work with anime in mind. They create their own anime characters or innovate well-known anime characters, incorporate the designs into practical and great looking peripheral gifts such as enamel pins, Custom Lanyards, custom stickers and custom keychains. Selling to fans and customers is very popular.
Editor’s Choice
- The creation of an anime episode cost around $1,00,000 to $2,00,000.
- The first ever anima which won an Academy Award was the film called ‘Spirited Away.’
- The anime show Code Geass was sponsored by Pizza Hut.
- As per the interesting Anima facts, each of the anime released around the world, considering their average episode time, calculates around 13 years and months roughly.
- According to interesting anime facts, 33% of the population in Japan either watch anime or read manga regularly. 33% resulted in 41.5 million.
- As stated by interesting Anima Facts considering the internet search, Naruto has around 1.97 monthly searches followed by Demon Slayer at 1.51 million with Pokémon at 1.40 million searches in the United States of America.
- Around the globe, there are 54% male and 46% female anime lovers.
- As of today, anime is generating around 60% of the content in the entertainment industry.
- As of 2021, the 222 million customer base of Netflix watched 1 anime at least once.
- the recent year, the topmost-grossing anime in terms of revenue is Pokémon as it bagged around $110 billion of revenue.
Meaning and History of Anime
Anime is a computer generated as well as hand-scripted animation. It originated in Japan. Animation which is created outside Japan is referred to as anime-influenced animation. Japan has the largest group of audience for such types of shows and movies. It is said that anime is taught in school as a separate subject. Animation was coined in the 20th century and supported by techniques based in Russia, France, Germany, and the United States of America.
Most Popular Anime of All Time
- Interesting anime facts state the most popular anime of all time is Naruto resulting in 16.2%.
- Pokémon has an 8.8% market share in all-time favorite anime shows while 7.8%, 7.3%, and 7.2% are contributed by Kimetsu no Yaiba, Jujutsu Kaisen, and One Piece.
- Attack on Titan, My Hero Academia, and Naruto Shippuden share around 5.2%, 4.9%, and 2.7% respectively.
- Other anime shows collectively makeup around 34.5% of popular anime of all time.
Top 3 OTT Platforms For Anime
- Crunchyroll – This OTT platform Is the world’s largest anime streaming platform, it has above 40,000 episodes and more than 16,000 hours of content. The platform has around 100 million registered users. The basic subscription for Crunchyroll is $8.
- Netflix – Netflix has a decent collection of anime shows and ongoing releases of various anime-related content every year. Anyone around the world can access these shows for a mere $7 a month.
- Hidive – Hidive is the third largest platform used for anime streaming. Hidive is the most affordable OTT platform as it costs only $5 every month.
Anime Facts
- The word Pokémon originated from two English words- Pocket and monster.
- The first ever anima which won an Academy Award was the film called ‘Spirited Away.’
- Ichiraku which is Naruto’s favorite ramen shop is a real place in the world.
- The Haikyuu series was created to make volleyball famous.
- In the written script, Naruto was defined as a chef and not a fox.
- In the anime movie Spirited Away, the characters’ names are built upon symbolic meanings.
- As of today, anime is generating around 60% of the content in the entertainment industry.
- Sazae-San is the longest-ever ongoing anime series in Japan which was broadcasted in the year 1969.
- The two Pokémon – Hitmonchan and Hitmonlee are named after Jackie Chan and Bruce Lee.
- The anime show Code Geass was sponsored by Pizza Hut.
- Japan creates more manga than toilet paper.
- Anime is taught in Japanese schools as a separate subject.
- As of today, there are more than 1,36,700 anime shows released around the world.
- As per the interesting Anima facts, each of the anime released around the world, considering their average episode time, calculates around 11 years and months roughly.
- The creation of an anime episode cost around $1,00,000 to $2,00,000.
- Interesting anime facts further say that the Titans in Attack on Titan are rooted in drunk people.
- The longest-ever fight between anime characters was recorded between Frieza and Goku.
- As of today, interesting anime facts say that 88.5% and 89.6% of university and high school students watch anime.
- As of 2021, the 222 million customer base of Netflix watched 1 anime at least once.
Anime Statistics By Rating
- Interesting Anime facts say that, as of 2023, the highest rating has been given to the Anime series called Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood.
- The highest rating list is followed by Steins: Gate with 9.04 and Clannad After Story with a 9.03 rating.
- Furthermore, the list is followed by the following anime content rating: Your Name (8.98), Rurouni Kenshin: Trust and Betrayal (8.96), Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2 (8.92), Spirited Away (8.92), Cowboy Bebop (8.89), Mushishi: The Next Chapter (8.86) and Princess Mononoke (8.86).
Anime Statistics By Market Size
- As of the pandemic years 2020 and 2021, the anime market size was valued at $22.6 billion and $24.2 billion.
- As of 2022, the increase rate stood stable at 2% resulting in $26 billion and $28 billion expected in the year 2023.
- In the coming years, the expected market size for anime around the globe in the years 2024, 2025,2026, and 2027 is $30.1% billion, $32.4 billion, $35 billion, and $47.8 billion respectively.
- By the year 2028, the value is expected to reach $40.9. Whereas it will increase to $44.3 billion and $48.3 billion in 2029 and 2030.
Top 10 Anime By Most Viewed

- As of 2023, the most viewed Anime show is Fullmetal Alchemist which has 23,783 total views.
- Death Note and Cowboy Bebop in a similar period have received 22,525 and 21,320 total views respectively.
- The list is further followed by Bleach, Naruto, and Neon Genesis Evangelion with respective views of 21,114, 18,716, and 18,124 accordingly.
- Furthermore, Elfen Lied, Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and Spirited Away gained respective views of 17,142, 15,779, and 15,616.
- Lastly, Princess Mononoke earned around 15,591 total views as of 2023.
Anime Statistics By Demographic
- According to interesting anime facts, 33% of the population in Japan either watch anime or read manga regularly.33% resulted in 41.5 million.
- People in Japan born between 1995 to 2000 watch anime daily resulted in 66%, while 21% of the people watch anime every week.
- Around the globe, there are 54% male and 46% female anime lovers.
- On average, the anime fan is 24 years.
By Generation
- As of today, one of the most interesting anime facts is, there are all ages anime fans who watch anime on a regular level.
- To be more specific, there are 42% of millennials and 25% of Gen Z watch anime.
- 21% of the population belongs to Gen X and 12% of anime viewers are from the baby boomers club.
By Ethnicity
- There are 28% of the white population favorably watch anime while 42% don’t have any interest.
- 30% of the white population has not heard about anime before.
- There are 40% of Hispanic background people who love to watch anime shows and movies while 35% don’t have any interest. Similarly, 25% of the Hispanic population has never heard of any anime.
- 37% of African Americans prefer to watch anime, while 33% don’t watch any shows or movies of anime. 30% of these ethnic background people have not heard about the term.
- There are other 45% of the population from various ethnic groups who watch anime and 29% do not watch it. 26% of the various ethnic group of people haven’t heard of such shows.
Here’s a Table Of Manga Readers By Age Group
Age Group | Share |
25 years old or older | 27.4% |
19-24 years old | 25.8% |
16-18 years old | 17.6% |
13-15 years old | 16.4% |
10-12 years old | 9.6% |
9 years old or younger | 3.2% |
- There are Around 27.4% of manga readers aged 25 years and above.
- 25.8% of manga readers belong to the age group of 19 years to 24 years.
- Furthermore, there are 16 years to 18 years resulting in 17.6%.
- 16.4% and 9.6% of manga readers belong to 13 years to 15 years and 10 years to 12 years age groups.
- Another interesting anime fact states that there is 3.2% of readers are 9 years or even younger in age.
Anime Statistics By Region
North and South America
- In the North and South American regions, 48.7% of people watch Naruto.
- There are 31.42% of people prefer Pokémon while 11.42% watch Attack on Titan.
- There are only 8.57% of the population who prefer demon slayer.
- In the Asian continent, 39.13% of the people watch Attack on Titan while there is 28.26% of the population watch Naruto.
- 15.21% population watch One Piece while the remaining 6.52%, 4.32%, and 2.17% prefer Pokémon, Death Note, one punch man, and Bleach respectively.
- The majority of the population in Africa loves Naruto.
- 17.64%, 11.76%, and 7.84% of people prefer to watch One Piece, Attack on Titan, and Pokémon.
- Similarly, with equal percentages, Dragon Ball Z and One Punch Man are watched by only 1.96% of the population.
- In the European region as well, there is 41.86% of the population watches Naruto.
- Pokémon, Attack on Titan, and one piece have a watch percentage of 23.26%, 18.60%, and 9.30% respectively.
- With similar watch percentage Demon Slayer, death note and Yu-Gi-Oh reflect around 2.33%.
Anime Statistics By Country
- In 2021, Attack on Titan was the most-watched anime series in the United States of America.
- As stated by interesting Anima Facts considering the internet search, Naruto has around 1.97 monthly searches followed by Demon Slayer at 1.51 million with Pokémon at 1.40 million searches in the United States of America.
- Only 35% of female anime lovers are in the United States of America.
- On a similar note, interesting anime facts further state that, there are more females watching anime in Vietnam, France, and Russia than men resulting in 54%, 52%, and 53% respectively.
- Most of the popular anime shows are banned in China.
By Popularity
- 1. Japan
- 2. Philippines
- 3. Vietnam
- 4. Malaysia
- 5. Chile
- 6. Myanmar
- 7. Taiwan
- 8. China
- 9. Hong Kong
- 10. Singapore
- One of the many interesting anime facts says that the Anime segment is the most popular in Japan followed by the Philippines and Vietnam.
- The list is continued by Malaysia, Chile, Myanmar, and Taiwan.
- China, Hong Kong, and Singapore are ranked at the bottom of anime popularity countries.
Anime Statistics By Revenue
By Anime
- In the recent year, the topmost-grossing anime in terms of revenue is Pokémon as it bagged around $110 billion of revenue.
- Anpanman captured $44.9 billion in revenue whereas Dragon Ball generated around $30 billion in revenue.
- Similarly, Gundam generated around $27.8 billion while Yu-Gi-Oh captured around $17.1 billion.
- One Piece, Sailor Moon, and Evangelion created revenue of $14.5 billion, $13.9 billion, and $12 billion respectively.
- $9.5 billion and $8.39 billion were generated by Demon Slayer and Pretty Cure respectively.
By Segment
Segment | Revenue Share |
Overseas | 51% |
Merchandising | 24% |
Pachinko and the like | 11% |
Internet Distribution | 3.8% |
TV | 3.5% |
Movie | 2.5% |
Video | 1.9% |
Live Entertainment | 1.2% |
Music | 1.1% |
- According to the interesting anime facts, the highest ever revenue share is received overseas in the anime segment resulting in 51%.
- Anime merchandising contributes to revenue share by 24% while 11% belongs to Pachinko and similar stuff.
- 3.8% of revenue comes from internet distribution and 3.5% is generated from TV.
- Similarly, 2.5% and 1.9% are generated from anime movies as well as videos respectively.
- Live entertainment and music provide 1.2% and 1.1% share in the overall revenue share.
Anime is the most attractive content delivered by Japanese culture to the world. Most of the time watching Anime feels cozy. If you love culture, then anime is for you. Many of the anime shows and movies showcase culture based in Japan. Moreover, OTT platforms such as Netflix, Crunchyroll, etc… are promoting anime shows at lower costs. Even if you are not a movie lover you can read the manga which is similar to anime. By looking at the interesting anime facts, a conclusion can be drawn by saying that, since the 20th century the anime industry is growing more speedily than ever around the globe. And the industry will experience a never-ending fanbase from corners of the world.
Various types of anime shows and movies are available on OTT platforms such as Netflix, Crunchyroll, Amazon prime video, and Funimation with a monthly subscription.
Anime originated in Japan in the 20th century showing a different visual style from cartoons.
The most common genres in Anime are History, romance, drama/tragedy, comedy, action, military and psychological.
CoMix Wave Films, Production I.G, Bones, Ufotable, MAPPA, Sunrise, Kyoto Animation, Studio Ghibli, Wit Studio, and Toei Animation are some of the famous anime production companies.

Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he's busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.