45+ Hacking Statistics 2023 Social Media, Email Phishing and Mobile Hacking Stats

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Hacking Statistics: In the modern world, hacking is a common occurrence. From big businesses to personal computers, no one is safe from the skilled eye of a hacker. While some hackers use their talents for good, others use their skills to wreak havoc. No matter the intent, hacking is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.
According to a recent study, nearly 43% of Americans have been a victim of cybercrime. This is a staggering statistic, and it's only going to get worse. With the rise of technology, hacking has become more sophisticated and common.
Cybercriminals are determined and can target any person, however, that is the cold truth.
We have put together a list that is jaw-dropping to prove it.
Key Hacking Statistics (Editor’s Choice)
- As of 2023, daily generated instances of fresh malware are around 300,000.
- In the same year, the estimated account breaches are going to be 33 billion.
- Mostly malware data is distributed through emails by 92%
- Critical cyber security threats are found in 18% of websites in almost 4.1 million websites across the world
- .Ransomware has affected a business every 11 seconds.
- In the 1st quarter of 2023, more than 6 million corporate records were leaked.
- Every day, hackers attack more than 40,000 websites worldwide.
- $45 million is the estimated cost of data breaches by 2023.
- On average, around 24,000 mobile apps that are malicious are blocked each day on the internet.
- Ransomware attacks occur every 14 seconds.
- Cybercriminals will extort 33,000,000 records within 2023.
- In February 2023, there were 29.5 million records that had been breached which the U.S. resulted in $9.44 million.
- Small businesses are the target of 43% of cyber attacks.
- Americans lose 15 billion each year from identity theft.
- Per day there are around 2328 cyber attacks registered.
- In the United States Ransomware cases increased by 75% by June 2023
- In 2023, the average cost of corporate data leakage was more than $220 million.
- Over 65% of large corporations have over 500 employees who have never changed passwords.
- It takes an average of 196 days to find a data leak.
- Every 39 seconds, a new attack occurs on the internet.
- Cyberattacks against large corporations are 91% due to phishing emails.
- 64% of all companies have suffered a cyberattack in their lifetime
Hacking Statistics
A cyber security attack is any type of offensive action that targets computer networks or devices. These attacks can come from individuals, organizations, or even governments, and can range from simple viruses to complex denial-of-service attacks. Despite the many different types of cyber security attacks, there are some commonalities between them. For example, most cyber security attacks seek to exploit vulnerabilities in order to gain access to sensitive data or systems. Additionally, many attacks are carried out using automated tools that make it possible to launch large-scale campaigns.
Every day, hackers attack 30,000 websites worldwide.
(Source: Web Arx Security)
Hacking has become a major problem for website owners worldwide. Every day, hackers attack 30,000 websites, causing widespread damage and disruption. This problem is only getting worse, as hackers become more sophisticated and motivated. Website owners must take action to protect their sites or risk losing everything.
Hacking accounts are responsible for over half the recent data breaches.
(Source: Verizon)
By the end of July 2023, a study that looked at nearly 5,199 confirmed breaches, it was revealed that:
- More than half of them (52%) were the result of hacking.
- The report shows that hacking statistics have shown that phishing is the second greatest risk. It was responsible for almost 33% of data breaches.
- Malware is another culprit responsible for 30% of data breaches.
The report revealed that 75% had been financially motivated, and worryingly 45% were related to exploiting vulnerabilities in web apps. This is more than twice the amount of breaches reported in 2019.
An average of 38.4 passwords are used by each human on the planet.
(Source: SC Magazine)
On average, 38.4 passwords are used per person. This is more than 300 billion passwords. An average employee in Fortune 500 companies will manage twice the amount of personal and business accounts as the average person.
71% were financially motivated by data breaches.
(Source: Government Technology)
According to statistics, 8 of the 10 cyber attacks in 2023 were designed to extort funds from companies and individuals. Garmin was most famously breached, costing the company 10 million. CTW Global also lost an important amount of $4.5 Million.
The number of websites that phish has increased by 130.5% over the past three years.
( Source: Google Transparency Report).
The cyber world has seen an alarmingly rapid rise in phishing websites since 2017. Google data shows that the number and size of phishing websites have increased from about 584,000 last year to more than 1.35 million in 2018, an increase of over 130.5%.
However, malware sites have been declining in number. By the end of 2023, the number is expected to be over 33 million.
Whereas, daily phishing emails resulted in 3.4 million.
SMBs are hit with attacks involving compromised passwords that cost them around $384,598 each attack.
(Source: Ponemon Institute and Keeper Security)
According to the Keeper Security and Ponemon Institute, 68% of SMBs around the world claim that their employees' passwords were stolen or lost in 2019. 68% of respondents also stated that weak passwords were the main cause of hacking problems. Hacking attacks involving compromised passwords cost approximately $384,598 per attack.
Only 48% of companies insist that employees use strong passwords. 55% of brands claim they do not have policies regarding employee password usage. Only 38% stop employees from using the same password in all their internal systems.
Cameras are 70% of all the vulnerable devices found on networks used at home.
(Source: ZDNet)
– An average US household owns seventeen IoT devices.
– Europe has 27 million IoT-enabled devices.
– In the year 2023, the world’s IoT expenditures were greater than $805 billion.
– Hacking IoT devices is easy. This statement also stands correct for cameras that are connected with internet connectivity. These cameras are mostly connected with login credentials with default settings with the sole purpose of hacking them.
– An IP camera, which can allow an intruder easy entry or break into your house, is one of the security facts that’s well-known.
– It allows hackers access to your private information and can track you when you are not at home. It streamed life every moment in the life of yours and your family.
– Cameras don’t pose the only security problem. On average, if you consider any family in the United States, it contains 31 IoT devices, and many of them are vulnerable. Hackers have the ability to access your fridge, smart lighting bulbs, and your air conditioner.
– That’s how cybercrime statistics are created when your electrical appliances or any electronic appliances are used to getting stolen!
99.9% of accounts get hacked for this single reason.
(Source: Windows Central)
In January 2023, around 1.2 million Microsoft accounts were compromised. According to the company's vulnerability assessment, 99.9% were found to have one commonality: they all didn't use multifactor authentication.
According to hacking statistics and other data, password spraying is one of the most used methods for hacking into accounts. This involves creating simple passwords that are easy to remember and then searching through a number of usernames until you find the right combination. Even if your username is more complicated than usual, people's search sites make it easy and safe to look up someone's personal details.
33000000000 records are at high risk of being hacked by these cyberpunks.
(Source: Norton Security)
– 60,000,000 Americans are impacted by the theft of identity. This is why there are experts to help prevent people from falling into this kind of cybercrime.
– The identity theft caused by Americans losing in 2017 was a major problem.
– The average time taken to detect a data leakage is 196 calendar days.
– Identity theft can be described as the act where someone’s data is stolen and used to impersonate them to make a financial gain. It is a major cause of the annual cyberattacks.
– Each year, 60 million Americans are victims of identity theft. This results in them spending around 15000000000 yearly.
– Crime performers steal billions worth of personal data records, and they either sell it further or they themselves mishandle the information for fraud purposes.
– Hacking statistics are expected to add 33 billion more records stolen by 2023. It’s possible to reach this number, even though it sounds scary. The developers of the app by a third party leaked over 680 million user records to Amazon cloud servers in 2023. And all it takes to let a confidential record leak.
– Most companies take several months to identify if they have been affected by a data security breach. It takes an average of almost 200 days for a breach of data to be discovered.
– It may take several years for a company to discover that they have kept very sensitive information open for easy access on an unprotected computer server. Some illegal people will gain access in an unauthorized way.
Social Media Hacking Statistics
Cybercrimes on social media platforms account for $3.25 Billion in annual global revenue.
(Source: Rexxfield)
Social media-generated computer crime revenue increased by 83% in September 2023.
According to hacking statistics, Cybercrime, although it is a new crime economy, generates at least $10.5 trillion annually in revenue by the end of 2025.
There are many levels to revenue generation in cybercrime economics. Hackers can either set up large, multinational businesses that make huge profits of more than $1 billion or opt to exploit small-scale operations with profits ranging from $30,000 to $50,000 each.
Nearly 30 attempts to take over corporate social networking accounts occur per year for each institution (roughly 3 per month).
(Source: zerofox.com)
On average, attempts to take over corporate social networking accounts occur close to 30 times per calendar year for each institution (roughly 3 per month). On average, 4 credential compromises per executive (of which 2.3 originate from breach databases), occur each year. This can often lead to takeovers or impersonations.
11% of Social media users have deleted their accounts due to privacy concerns.
(Source: Thrivemyway)
In recent years, social media has become an increasingly popular way for people to connect with each other. However, concerns about privacy have led some users to delete their accounts. A new study has found that 11% of social media users have deleted their accounts due to privacy concerns.
The study, which was conducted by the Pew Research Center, found that privacy was the most common reason given for deleting a social media account. Other reasons included feeling overwhelmed by notifications, wanting to take a break from social media, and finding it hard to stay connected with friends and family.
In 2023, 533 million Facebook accounts were hacked in a data breach.
(Source: Facebook)
Facebook revealed that hackers had gained access to the personal information of nearly half the 533 million accounts compromised in the 2023 hack. Hacking statistics in 2023, show that about one million victims were able to get away with their personal data.
Guy Rosen, Facebook Product Management VP, stated that no credit information was sold to dark web marketplaces and that third-party apps were not allowed to access it.
1/3 of all American adults don’t trust social media platforms when it comes to data protection.
(Source: Thrivemyway)
According to a recent study, 1 in 3 American adults don't trust social media platforms when it comes to data protection. This is a significant finding, considering the amount of time and personal information that people share on these platforms every day. The study highlights the need for social media companies to do more to protect their users' data, and to build trust with their users around this issue.
96% of baby boomer internet users don't trust social networks to protect their data. The sentiments of Gen X (94%), Gen Z (93%), as well as the millennial generation (92%), are similar.
(Source: Malwarebytes)
Online anonymity used to be a common feature. Social media hacking statistics have shown that even large services like Facebook or Google cannot protect data.
The most cautious generation is the baby boomers. They want privacy at home and at work. While younger people are more comfortable using technology, they also have a healthy distrust for social media platforms.
67% of US consumers think it's unethical for companies to target advertisements and product recommendations based on online shopping and browsing data.
(Source: RSA Security)
Social media hacking statistics confirm users' distrust and unease. Experts estimate that 30-40% of ads on certain platforms are part of the cybercrime industry. It's no surprise that over half of US consumers feel social media platforms don't adequately protect their personal information.
47% of social media users see more spam in their feeds. 79% of them believe spam is fake news or cybercrimes.
(Source: HubSpot)
Spammers flood your newsfeed with fake news and ads that will lead you to hacker websites. You will be asked for personal information and then augmented with automatic malware downloads.
Email Phishing Statistics
Hackers were able to steal $4.91 Billion in emails from businesses every year.
(Source: Internet Crime Complaint Center)
– The annual cost of data breaches at corporate is $4.45 million.
– An annual $600 million is spent on identity theft.
30.1% of US users open phishing emails, and 12% click on infected links.
(Source: Retruster)
According to hacking statistics, phishing is a major component of most cybersecurity incidents targeting companies. As long as people continue to click on suspicious links in emails, the numbers will only go up.
26% of organizations were infected by malware via email.
(Source: Verizon)
Hacking strategies can be used in a variety of settings. Verizon's annual investigation into data breaches found that around
26% of organizations received malware via email intended to allow hackers access to their servers.
Of which 88% are ransomware victims 94% of social actions were also sent by email in which only 3% of them were sent through a site.
37% of email attacks use attachments ending in .doc and .dot, while 19.5% of them contain .exe.
(Source: Thrivemyway)
In recent years, email threats have become more and more common. According to a new study, 37% of email attacks are sent using attachments ending in .doc or .dot, while 19.5% of them contain .exe. This is a worrying trend, as it shows that attackers are becoming more sophisticated in their methods.
Most malware (94%) is transmitted via email.
(Source: Thrivemyway)
Malware is a type of software that is designed to damage or disable computers and computer systems. Malware is typically spread through email attachments or by downloading malicious files from untrustworthy websites. According to a recent study, 94% of all malware is transmitted via email. This is because email is one of the most commonly used forms of communication and it is very easy to spread malware through email attachments or links. Email-based malware can cause a lot of damage to both individuals and organizations. It can result in data loss, financial damage, and even identity theft.
A survey of over 1,300 IT decision-makers revealed that 56% identified targeted Phishing attacks as the biggest cybersecurity threat they face right now.
(Source: CyberArk)
Phishing is one of the most dangerous and effective cybercrimes targeting businesses. Hackers can use these attacks to steal passwords and gain unauthorized access to corporate databases.
87% of senior managers save business files to their personal email accounts or cloud-based storage.
(Source: Symantec)
The most recent statistics about computer hacking have shown that most senior managers aren't very cautious. It is true that employees will not use security systems if they find them too complicated or inconvenient. It seems that, despite our best efforts to convince upper management that they are more concerned about cybersecurity standards and are more informed about all types of cyberattacks, that is simply not the case.
About 55% believe security systems are too complex for middle managers, which can put their entire business at risk. Security should not be IT's problem, according to rank-and-file workers.
Mobile Hacking Statistics
More than 30.8% of fraud originated from cell phones, according to statistics.
(Source: RSA Security)
Mobile technology has revolutionized the world, as well as fraudsters. 30.8% of all cyberattacks in the world are carried out via mobile devices.
Blocked mobile malware, riskware attacks, and adware are around 5.70 million. Apps grant hackers full access to your device, so hackers can access your mobile banking app and start multiple levels of cybercrime.
60% of internet fraud is committed via mobile devices.
(Source: Nira.com)
Mobile devices account for the majority of internet traffic. Hackers are aware of this and can also commit cybercrimes using them.
According to top cybersecurity statistics in 2023, on a regular basis, there are 2,200 cyberattacks experienced.
Android is the most targeted platform for hackers.
(Source: Computerworld)
Recent statistics show that Android is still the most targeted target for hackers in the United States. This is despite the fact that security measures are constantly being improved and updated. Many Android devices are still vulnerable to hackers because they haven't updated their core operating system.
99% of mobile malware threats are found in third-party app stores.
(Source: Nira.com)
The most dangerous mobile apps don't come from the major app stores. You can protect your employees and yourself from malware threats by only installing apps from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store.
Apple rejected around 1.7 million malicious apps are removed them from app stores.
(Source: Nira.com)
Hackers try to install thousands of malicious apps in trusted app stores every day. The big app stores generally do a great job keeping these apps out.
On the other hand, Google removed 4 malicious apps from the Play Store in 2023
One in five hacks can be traced back to rogue apps on mobile phones.
(Source: Nira.com)
It is possible to create fake apps for mobile devices that are identical to the trusted brand of a company. Although they think they are downloading an app from a trusted company, they actually install a fake app.
Statistics on phishing show that almost every second call to a cell phone is a fraud.
(Source: First Orion)
These numbers are alarming when compared with other cyber attack statistics by year. Only 3.7% of all phone calls in 2017 were phishing attacks. It was 29.2% in 2018, and researchers forecast that it will rise to nearly 50% by 2019.
By the end of 2023, phishing has experienced 66% of phone call cyber attacks.
Cyber Attacks Cost Statistics
Data breach average cost $4.35 million in 2022 and $4.45 million by the end of 2023 around the world
(Source: cybertalk.org)
A data breach occurs when sensitive, confidential, or protected information is accessed and/or disclosed without authorization. The average cost of a data breach to $4.35 million in 2022 and by 2023 it is expected to be $4.45 million, according to the IBM “Cost of a Data Breach Report”. This is the fourth consecutive year that the average cost has increased.
In the United States by 2023, the average cost of a data breach is going to be $9.48 million.
The average cost of cyber attacks due to malware: is $1.4 million.
(Source: cybertalk.org)
The average cost of cyber attacks due to Denial-of-Service (DOS) was $1.1 million. DOS attacks are a type of security breach where hackers flood a system with requests, overwhelming it and causing it to crash. This can be done by using botnets, which are networks of infected computers that can be controlled remotely. DOS attacks can have a major impact on businesses, as they can cause downtime and loss of productivity, as well as damage to reputation. In some cases, data may also be lost or corrupted.
The average cost of cyber attacks due to malicious insiders: is $4.2 million.
(Source: cybertalk.org)
The average cost of cyber attacks due to malicious insiders is a shocking $4.2 million. These attacks are often difficult to prevent and can have devastating consequences for businesses. The best way to protect against them is to have a strong security posture and be aware of the potential risks.
The average cost of web-based cyber attacks: is $1.4 million.
(Source: cybertalk.org)
Cybercrime is on the rise, and with it, the cost of web-based attacks. The average cost of a cyber attack is now $1.4 million, up from $600,000 just four years ago. This includes the cost of recovery, damages, and lost business. The increase in cybercrime is due to the growing popularity of online shopping and banking, as well as the proliferation of sensitive data such as credit card numbers and social security numbers. With more people and businesses going online, there are more targets for cybercriminals.
The global cost of cybercrime topped $8 trillion by August 2023.
(Source: techxplore.com)
According to Leonardo, head of the Italian defense, security, and aerospace giant Leonardo, cybercrime cost $8 trillion worldwide in 2023.
Recent Hacking Statistics 2022
The early six months of 2022 felt interminable or fleeting or both – massive hacks and data breaches, digital scams, and ransomware attacks continued apace through the first half of this year. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities have become a major problem in all areas of life due to the COVID-19 pandemic as well as economic instability, geopolitical turmoil, bitter human rights disputes, and geopolitical unrest.
In 2023, the victims of hacking that are cybercrime are near about 71 million people.
These are the most significant digital security failures that have occurred so far in 2022.
Russia/Ukraine Hacking
(Source: Wired)
Russia has been aggressively and recklessly attacking Ukraine digitally for years. causing blackouts trying to skew elections, stealing information, and releasing malicious malware to rampage throughout the country and the rest of the world. The digital dynamic between Russia and Ukraine has changed since the February invasion of Ukraine. Russia is unable to support a large and expensive kinetic war, while Ukraine resists on all fronts. This has led to Ukraine hacking back with remarkable success, while Russia continues to attack Ukrainian infrastructure and institutions with cyberattacks. Ukraine created a volunteer “IT Army in the early stages of the war. This army has been focused on conducting DDoS attacks against Russian institutions and services and disrupting hacks to cause as much confusion as possible.
Lapsus$ Group's Extortion Spree
(Source: Wired)
Lapsus$, a digital extortion gang that specializes in hacking, went on an extreme hacking spree during the first months of 2022. In December, the group began to steal source code and other valuable information from more prominent and sensitive companies, including Nvidia, Samsung, and Ubisoft, before leaking it in apparent extortion efforts. March saw the group announce that they had leaked parts of Microsoft Bing and Cortana's source code, and also compromised a contractor who had access to the ubiquitous authentication system Okta. To gain access to target systems, the attackers, who were reportedly based in South America and the United Kingdom, relied heavily on phishing attacks.
Conti Cripples Costa Rica
(Source: Wired)
The most severe ransomware attack to date was carried out by the Russia-linked cybercrime group Conti. It brought Costa Rica to a halt in April. And the disruptions would continue for several months. The attack on Costa Rica's Ministry of Finance caused losses of tens of thousands of dollars per day and paralyzed the country's export/import businesses. The attack was so serious that Costa Rica's President declared a “national emergency” – the first country to do this after a ransomware attack – and one security expert said Conti's campaign was “unprecedented”. A second attack on Costa Rica's Social Security Fund in May was also attributed to Conti-linked HIVE ransomware, causing widespread disruptions to the country’s health care system.
Hacks for a Decentralized Finance Platform
(Source: Wired)
Tools and utilities to store, convert, and manage cryptocurrency have evolved at a rapid pace as the ecosystem evolves. Despite its rapid growth, there have been many lapses and oversights.
According to Chainalysis, in decentralized finance, there are more than 90% of crypto hacks in 2023. Cybercriminals are eager to profit from these errors, often stealing large amounts of cryptocurrency worth hundreds or even thousands of millions of dollars.
PeckShield a blockchain security firm has ensured that hackers have stolen $480 million by the 1st half of 2023.
Data Theft from Health Care Providers
(Source: Wired)
Ransomware actors have always targeted hospitals and healthcare providers as a target. They want to incite victims to pay the ransom to restore their digital systems. Healthcare data breaches are expected to continue in 2022, as criminals gather data that they can use for financial fraud and identity theft. The Massachusetts-based Shields Health Care Group announced in June that it had suffered a data breach during March, which affected approximately 3 million Americans. Names, Social Security numbers, and birth dates were all stolen. Addresses, billing information, and other medical information such as diagnoses and indicators, were also included in the data breach.
Chinese Hackers Break Telecoms and More
(Source: Wired)
The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned at the beginning of June that Chinese-backed hackers had compromised a number of sensitive targets worldwide, including major telecommunications companies. They used known vulnerabilities in routers and other network equipment to do so, including Cisco and Fortinet.
Although the warning didn't identify any victims, it suggested alarm over the findings as well as the need for organizations to improve their digital defenses when handling large amounts of sensitive user data. CISA stated that the advisory “describes the targeting and compromises of major telecommunications firms and network service providers.” Cyber actors have been able to exploit and gain access the vulnerable infrastructure devices through a number of vulnerabilities that were high-severity over the past few years. These devices are also often overlooked.
Honorable Mention – California Concealed Carry Permits
(Source: Wired)
A data breach that occurred just days after the US Supreme Court's June decision regarding concealed-carry permits laws could have exposed all Californians who applied for concealed-carry permits between 2011 and 2021. This incident affected data such as names, ages, addresses, and types of licenses. After a misconfiguration of the California Department of Justice 2022 Firearms Dashboard Portal, data was made public that shouldn't have been.
Technology is more important than ever. The amount of digital data has increased. Online cyber threats have become a serious problem. They can infiltrate infrastructure, breach data, spearphishing, and use brute force to target individuals.
You will see that hacker threat is not static if you look at statistics about hacking in the United States. Every year, millions of hacking strategies are invented. It is easy to become frustrated by the dangers you face. It is possible to defend your business and your family.
One good rule is to patch operating systems promptly with the latest updates. You should also practice good password hygiene. Change your passwords frequently or use a password manager. Good antivirus software is essential. Beware of phishing attacks. These hacking statistics are not something you want to be part of.
(Source: ICAEW)
A report by ICAEW reveals that the top cyber threats facing our world today was:
A form of malware that encrypts your data then extorts you money to unlock it.
This refers essentially to any attempt to gain sensitive data by pretending to have authority or trustworthiness.
Access to third-party storage is a way for valuable data to get accessed. USBs, smartphones.
This refers to any activity that has the goal of gaining remote access or stealing confidential data.
Insider Threat
It is possible for employees to accidentally leak sensitive information or maliciously.
(Source: Inc.)
Data breach statistics from 2018 reveal that over 2.5 billion accounts have been hacked. While this data is not reliable for 2018, it does show that data breach statistics are available. That is approximately 6.85 million accounts per day being hacked, or 158 per seconds. Given that cybercrime statistics have increased over the years, it is reasonable to expect that the number accounts being hacked each day has also increased.
(Source: Varonis)
1 in 4 people will be affected by a cyberattack. Cybercrime is the number one threat to global security, with a new attack occurring every 39 second. Security experts consider cybercrime to be among the top three threats for global security in the next five, along with natural disasters, extreme weather, and cybercrime.

Barry is a lover of everything technology. Figuring out how the software works and creating content to shed more light on the value it offers users is his favorite pastime. When not evaluating apps or programs, he's busy trying out new healthy recipes, doing yoga, meditating, or taking nature walks with his little one.